Friday, June 23, 2017

Tri-cities Geofest

I made plans to attend the Tri-cities Geofest for the first time this year.  The main event is Saturday when they release 30ish new caches which you then race around to find and earn 4 coins. 

I drove down on Friday, caching all the way.  I spent the night at the Pasco KOA.  Since I was too lazy to set up my tent, I thought I'd just sleep in the car.  I brought the bed rolls the kids use, moved the seat out of the way, and tried to sleep.  Wow.  I am too old for this nonsense.  The floor is hard and lumpy.  I eventually gave up and napped in the front seat with it reclined all the way.

Due to my uncomfy sleeping arrangements, I was up and caching by 530 am.  I went to the event and went around to all the caches with a nice older couple I met.  We finished up around 3, then I headed home, again caching all the way.  I ended up getting 71 caches that day!  All told for the weekend was well over 100.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Eric had to go to Portland for some training.  We found an AirBnB for the amount they would cover in hotel, and the whole family went down.  Dianne and kids did some exploring while Eric was in meetings.

  Large geocache on the way down. 

 Witches castle. 

 Portland Rose Garden


Multnomah Falls